Tensile Testing

Tensile and Compression

Tensile Testing begins with your section of metal. Your metal is shaped down to a dog-bone style shape (image below right). This tensile shape can be made either flat or round (round tensile being lathed pictured below). We can provide the service of machining to testable shape or you may provide a sample that is already machined. This tensile piece is then inserted into the jaws, and slowly the pounds of force build until it pulls apart. The results are captured and calculated digitally.

With a test capacity of 120,000 pounds it will determine:

Ultimate Tensile Strength

The maximum force required to break a sample, usually reported in pounds per square inch.

Yield Strength

The yield point is the amount of strain required to permanently deform the material. This is typically determined using an extensometer, which clips onto the tensile specimen and measures the point at which the material has exceeded its limits of elasticity.


Measures the stretch of the metal after failure.

Lathing with CNC

This image shows the old dial, we keep it around for good looks, despite being antiquated.

The MTEST Quattro Materials Testing System provides digital accuracy and control. The new pressure transducer converts pressure signal to pounds force.

The computer digitally captures the load and calculates results.

Compression Testing

Dog-bone shaped tested tensiles.