Aggregate Testing
Simon Forensic is your source for ASR testing.
We are experts in Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) testing: 16 day, 30 day and 365 day tests can all be accomplished here, and more!
Many of our tests search for deleterious materials in aggregate samples as outlined in ASTM C-33 guidelines. Deleterious materials can impact the quality and performance of structures built with cement and aggregate. The aggregate tests we run are listed below. For test duration and sample quantity to send in, please contact Omar for consultation.
Our small, independent laboratory gives you the ability to communicate directly with Omar and the team while your test is running. Know if your sample is likely to pass or fail ahead of time!
What does it mean to be AASHTO R-18 accredited?
R-18 refers to the quality manual that specifies equipment, maintenance, calibration and training.
It means we have achieved a level of quality that has been recognized and verified.
It means you can have confidence in the competency of our testing services.
Why have your aggregate tested?
To evaluate performance of your materials.
To comply with regulations & quality standards.
To ensure the quality of your concrete & aggregate.
Aggregate Test Methods:
ASTM C-1567: 16 or 28 day test: Potential alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) of aggregate with an admixture (slag / flyash / lithium) to control reaction.
ASTM C-1260: 16 or 28 day test: Potential ASR of aggregate, mortar bar method.
ASTM C-289: Potential ASR of aggregate due to chemical reaction. (Not AASHTO accredited for this test.)
ASTM C-1218: Water-soluble chloride ion in mortar and concrete.
ASTM C-1152: Acid-soluble chloride ion in mortar and concrete.
ASTM C-142: Clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate.
ASTM C-128: Specific gravity of fine aggregate.
ASTM C-127: Specific gravity of coarse aggregate.
ASTM C-123: Light weight particles, specific gravity of 2.0 (coal, lignite or shale); or s.g. of 2.4 (chert).
ASTM C-88: Sulfate Soundness for fine or coarse aggregate; uses sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate.
ASTM C-40: Organic impurities in fine aggregate.